The Lifelong Learning Platform’s General Assembly (GA) for 2023 took place at the University of Girona in Spain on 27 and 28 June.
The annual General Assembly is one of the key moments where the members, the Secretariat and the Steering Committee meet and update each other on their activities and collectively discuss the general direction and priorities of the organisation.
Main highlights of the General Assembly
As outlined in LLLP’s statutes and internal rules, the rotation system entails that three members of the Steering Committee were due to end their mandate this year; therefore the GA was tasked with electing these new representatives alongside a new President.
LLLP’s membership welcomed Elisa Gambardella (SOLIDAR Foundation) as the new President, Caridad Alarcón Sánchez (OBESSU), Matteo Vespa (European Students’ Union), the re-election of Jon Harding (EfVET) and Piotr Sadowski (Volonteurope) as new representatives of the Steering Committee.
We take this opportunity to thank the outgoing members for their commitment and dedication Tamara Gojkovic (YEU), Martina Darmanin (ESU), and Giuseppina Tucci (OBESSU).
In addition to the election of new representatives, the GA approved the candidacy of Eurochild, and the Federation for European Education (FEDE) to become members of LLLP, which makes the network grow even stronger and diverse.
The General Assembly offered members an opportunity to voice their opinion on how and in which ways LLLP can improve as a representative organisation through the discussion of this year’s Membership Survey and a new Advocacy Strategy to strengthen collaboration among the membership and with external stakeholders. We are ready to deploy all our resources to face the upcoming transition year between the European Year of Skills and the EU Parliament Elections.
This year’s GA was a statement on LLLP’s commitment to keep advocating for a lifelong learning approach to education through the active participation of its members, and by showcasing their diversity and voices.