The LLLPlatform was one of six European partners involved in the Erasmus+ KA2 project “DIMELI4AC – Digital and Media Literacy for Active Citizenship: a tool kit for promoting critical thinking and democratic values”. The project, spanning over two and a half years, seeked to support the development of digital skills among school students aged 10 to 15, thus empowering them to become responsible digital citizens in an increasingly interconnected and digitalized world. More specifically, the project aimed at developing, pilot-testing and evaluating a Tool Kit that supports schools in establishing their own Digital Media Literacy Action Plan.
Our objectives
In recent years, the ability to read and interpret different types of media has become an increasingly essential skill to possess as most of the information we receive on a daily basis comes to us through a complex and interwoven system of media technologies. Taking on board the 2016 Council Conclusions, the DIMELI4AC project aims to promote the development of Digital Media Literacy skills among students by supporting schools in the development and implementation of their own Digital Media Literacy Action Plan. The project will provide students with the necessary skills to access, analyze and engage with online information, ultimately contributing to the reduction of disparities and social exclusion as well as to ensuring e-access and e-participation. While primarily targeted to students (with a focus on those with fewer opportunities), the project will also serve to upgrade and strengthen the professional profile of the school teachers involved.
The project delivered six main outputs:
A comprehensive Toolkit aimed at supporting schools in the development of their own Digital Media Literacy Action Plan for active citizenship. Among other resources, the Toolkit will include strategy templates, good practices, guidelines for the creation of synergies, monitoring tools and implementation tips. Each school’s Action Plan will be developed in synergy with all relevant stakeholders, including school leaders, teachers, parents and authorities.
A multilevel Educational Pack including interactive learning resources (videos, games, simulations etc.) and two upskilling programmes for teachers and parents dedicated to the acquisition of digital and media literacy skills.
An Assessment and Validation Tool (in the form of a game with an avatar) meant to monitor, record, evaluate and validate the acquisition of digital and media literacy skills. The assessment system will be based on a common framework designed with inbuilt benchmarks and indicators in order to ensure visibility, recognition and transferability at EU level.
A dynamic and interactive Portal / Platform with different purposes and functionalities, including an e-Ambassadors communication platform for teachers and students to disseminate examples of their work; an e-Tool Kit database collecting resources, materials and good practices; and an e-Academy offering online courses for teachers.
Digital and Media Observatories accompanied by the launch of a strong multidisciplinary campaign as well as the setup of a Digital and Media Ambassadors Network with key personalities.
A Digital Media Literacy Summer School offering blended learning opportunities.

What do we mean exactly when we say we aim to support students in the “development of their Digital Media Literacy skills“? The DIMELI@SCHOOL Competence Framework is the answer: this instrument contains a list of specific skills that we consider essential to become a responsible digital citizen.
Find the others instruments and outputs in the official website.
Coordinator: Leibniz Universität Hannover – Germany
Partners: LLLPlatform – Belgium; Antenna Ltd – Cyprus; CCS Digital Education – Ireland; Emphasys Centre – Cyprus; Ellinogermaniki Agogi – Greece