After 3 years of work the partnership between the Jagiellonian University (Poland), the Malopolska Regional Labour Officer (Poland), Boğaziçi University (Türkiye), CIS (Italy), ARCOLA Research (UK), FREREF (France) and LLLP (Belgium) is coming to an end and are ready to share the various results obtained throughout the project duration.
Regional reports and the COMORELP benchmarking tool
The new project website, hosted by the Jagiellonian University, features the different publications developed by the partnership as well as the practical tool for inter-regional comparison and learning or ‘COMORELP benchmarking tool’.
One of these publications is the Distance and Online Learning report was developed jointly by all regional partners to explore the dimensions of the rapid global transition to distance and online learning during the pandemic, an extraordinary evolution in our education systems. The report derives essential conclusions from participating European regions: Malopolska (Poland), Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), Wales (UK) and Istanbul (Türkiye). The report presents insights that underscore the need for targeted interventions and puts forth recommendations to harness the potential of digital lifelong learning while mitigating challenges. You can download the report here.
The Regional reports explore in depth the state of play in the participating European regions acting as a compendium of regional LLL policies, and especially the innovative changes made recently and the trends for the future. The regional reports were fed by the work of each partner in the regions including meeting with stakeholders, the Round Tables and the implementation of the self-assessment methodology making use of the COMORELP benchmarking tool.
This tool can also be found in the project’s website and it is currently available in English and Polish. The self-assessment tool aims to support policy makers and stakeholders to determine the current stage of development of lifelong learning policies in their own region. By engaging with stakeholders and organising regional roundtable discussions, regional LLL laboratories can be established. In the COMORELP project the approach to benchmarking does not have a competitive sense: benchmarking primarily serves as an opportunity for mutual learning, sharing best practices, and inspiring one another through comparisons between regions. You can download the reports and explore the tool in the new project’s website.
How to implement the self-assessment and benchmarking process? Stay tuned for the COMORELP guidelines and policy recommendations
As stated previously, a key aspect of the COMORELP project is the mutual learning among different European regions. In this line, a General report will be published containing elements of comparative analysis among the different regions that took part in the project, drawing from the Regional reports.
Another upcoming publication is the Guidebook to implement the process of self-evaluation of regional lifelong learning policy. This document aims to be a practical guide to creating regional LLL laboratories developed based on the COMORELP project experiences. Based on these experiences, tips and recommendations are presented to inspire and help policy makers and stakeholders across Europe to conduct the self-assessment process of LLL policies in their own regions.
Finally, the Policy Recommendations Report exploits the lessons learnt throughout the COMORELP project, both in terms of lifelong learning policies shortcomings and improvement opportunities, and in terms of measures suggested to base future regional lifelong learning policies on better access to evidence and participatory monitoring of results. The Recommendations are the result of interaction within the regional Policy Labs that took place in 5 European regions in the first project phase, and of the EU policy labs events that took place later and that aimed to connect regional stakeholders at EU level. The EU policy labs took place during LLLP’s Lifelong Learning week 2022 in Brussels, online in March 2023 and the Final Conference in May 2023.
Stay tuned next month for all the latest publications in the new COMORELP project website, the COMORELP LLL-Hub website and our social media channels.