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The Lifelong Learning Platform can provide a valuable contribution to your projects in several ways (advocacy services, state of the art services, consultancy, dissemination and communication, network expertise, liaison with EU institutions, etc.) as a full partner, associate partner or subcontractor.

EU Projects

The Lifelong Learning Platform is a special network where capacity building and knowledge-sharing happen daily! We leverage on the strengths of our network to create a true knowledge hub, envision projects, share results, reinforce each other’s claims, and build bridges between stakeholders. 

We stimulate our members to create common goals and empower them to achieve them.


The DETAS project is a key initiative with the general objective of supporting students to bridge the gap between their academic and profess


STRIDE will provide a new, comprehensive and comparative knowledge-base on effective education reforms, policy initiatives and interventions

The BRiDGE Project

The BRiDGE project supports the European Union aim to bridge the gap between research and policy.

DigiCards: Digital Competence Cards for counselling

We believe in educational and career counselling that uses digital tools to provide its clients with a counselling process that is...

Image by mk. s
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