The Platform aims to voice citizen’s concerns about lifelong learning. The idea is that no one should be left out and that bridges are built across sectors to increase access to quality education for all.
The Platform promotes a holistic vision of lifelong learning, “from cradle to grave”. Today the pattern school-work-retirement is no longer the norm, so it is important to make sure we help people in their life transitions. Learning is not limited to formal education: it also integrates non-formal and informal learning.
In order to achieve its goals, the Lifelong Learning Platform advocates towards the European Institutions by sharing its views on various issues related to education and to the participation of civil society in public debates. In our policy section you will find our main policy papers and strategies.
The LLLPlatform grounds its work on the inputs of its members. It has several working groups running and participates in civil society coalitions. It takes part in EU projects that support its political strategy in order to provide evidence and solutions to key educational challenges.
LLLP also runs regular surveys and conducts researchers to develop its capacity to provide evidence-based solutions to policy makers. You will find more information on those activities in the following pages:
EU Projects
The Lifelong Learning Platform can provide a valuable contribution to your projects in several ways (advocacy services, state of the art services, consultancy, dissemination and communication, network expertise, liaison with EU institutions, etc.) as a full partner, associate partner or subcontractor.

LLLP is partner in the TRANSVAL-EU project (2021-2023)

LLLP is partner in the ERASMUS CAREERS project (2022-2025)

LLLP is partner in the Bridge project (2023-2025)
Learning Planet Institute

The European Movement International

The LLLPlatform advocates for the recognition of the specific role played by civil society organisations in public life. The engagement and activism of millions of citizens who freely and voluntarily join together in associations across Europe should be given institutional recognition.
The LLLPlatform also offers opportunities for capacity-building for its members. It is important to be able to understand European policies and their impact at the national level. This is why the Platform produces regular infonotes, organises brainstorming sessions, etc.
The LLLPlatform is both a member of Civil Society Groups and a partner of European Institutions. It also takes part in thematic alliances.