Lifelong Learning Platform - Privacy Policy
This policy is applicable to all personal data processed by the Lifelong Learning Platform, registered at Rue de l’industrie, 10 – 1000 Brussels, Belgium. We strictly limit the processing of your personal information to the minimum, and only work with partners and member organisations who abide to the same principles.
We inform data subjects that any attempt to bypass our control over your personal data will be countered, whether it comes from private or public organisations.
Emails received through info(at) are reviewed by one staff member and sent onwards when necessary only to other staff members. The LLLPlatform will engage to quickly address the query and archive the email in the shortest possible delay. Google, our current email provider, stores emails on their servers for a maximum period of one month, after which they will become accessible only locally. Emails sent to our other aliases, such as – yet not limited to – policy(at), communication(at), or projects(at), are likely to be stored longer. Each employee, as he or she sees fit, may retain the content of specific communications that he or she receives and sends. Google is legally registered in the United States of America; thus, other restrictions in the use of emailing systems might apply.
Information we receive by regular mail is collected by staff members, reviewed, and sent onwards when necessary to other staff members. These items are destroyed as soon as possible, although the LLLPlatform is obliged by Belgian law to store all financial and accountancy documents for a minimum of seven years. We do not disclose the names of senders to third parties, not even to other colleagues, and we strive to keep files secure. For legal reasons, some of our member organisations share our same address, and it is possible that their mail ends up in our mailbox; the LLLPlatform ensure full discretion in abiding to the existing Belgian regulation when treating third parties’ mail.
The LLLPlatform will never solicit information on political and religious beliefs, medical information, or any other sensitive data. When such sensitive personal information is provided to us through our email or postal address, we delete or anonymise this information as soon as possible.
Telephone calls received on our number are serviced by Proximus and are beyond our control. As a result, the traffic data for these calls may be retained in accordance with national laws. The content of messages is never leaked beyond the intended recipient.
We use encrypted browsing (https) by default. Our website uses a cookie to best manage your session. We may also point from our website to other internet services that do use cookies, but you will find more information on third-party websites; we are not responsible for the use of cookies of other websites that point to our own. These services do not fall under our control and we advise you to familiarise yourself with the privacy policies and terms of service that apply to these third party services. This is particularly the case with multi-media services and social plugins.
The LLLP website name and domain are stored safely on OVH and Gandi. The processing of web usage data is kept to a minimum. Our website management software (WordPress) only presents us with aggregate numbers. We also use Google Analytics to monitor traffic, and it retains access log information: please familiarise with their privacy policy. We use this information to identify peak usage times, sources of traffic, and best-visited pages.
The LLLPlatform runs a Basecamp account to gather all member organisations in one place. Member organisations should be aware that most of our internal communications happen in this digital space. Personal data – like email address or function in organisation – of staff members of our MO are there; we will strive to maintain information up to date and to share only strictly necessary information. Third-party data will not be shared over Basecamp. Moreover, Basecamp is an external service providers, and because of this LLLPlatform is not responsible for the processing of data on those platforms, but rather only of what’s been uploaded. We process members representatives’ personal data in compliance with the membership policy.
We run a variety of open and closed mailing lists, and the membership of closed mailing lists are kept confidential, though this information is shared with our mail service providers for the purpose of list-management. We do not have a backup policy for our communications. If you subscribe to LLLP’s mailing lists, your email address will only be used to send you the newsletters. These include the LLLP “External newsletter”, the “LLLP Insights”, as well as ad-hoc invitation to important events (such as the LLLPAC or the LLLWeek). Subscriber information will not be provided, rented or sold to any third party.
LLLP only uses confirmed opt-in for subscribers to any mailing list. People interested in receiving our newsletters first have to confirm their subscription before it is effected. By using professional mailing list software (Mailchimp), the LLLPlatform minimises the risk of abuse of the addresses by third parties. Subscribers can subscribe or unsubscribe themselves without any intervention from LLLP; third parties (including the mailing list software) cannot perform such an action. Maintenance, system operation and security of the mailing lists are delegated to Mailchimp, based in the United States of America. Each and every mailing list operated by the Lifelong Learning Platform is a closed mailing list: this means that only our staff can access and process your data, and we are committed to process the data you provided to the purpose of keeping users informed. Mailchimp also process data to statistics purposes.
Social Media
The Lifelong Learning Platform uses social media and social networking services to support our communication and advocacy activities. Notably, we have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts. These applications require the use of third-party service providers, and because of this the LLLPlatform is not responsible for the processing of data on those platforms. Please refer to the terms of service to every and each platform.
Employment information
The LLLPlatform regularly receives personal and employment information from potential interns and employees, both responding to announced vacancies and through spontaneous applications. This information is shared internally to the selection committee only. For certain positions, CVs, cover letters and other documents may be shared with our Steering Committee members. We store unsuccessful applications and related data for a maximum period of 6 months and above only upon candidate consents, after which we delete them.
We keep all accounting and administration information for auditing purposes, in accordance with standard practice and Belgian law (minimum of 7 years). Current employees’ personal information are retained and processed because of the execution of their employment contracts by third parties in charge of the workers social rights and contributions.
Data modifications
LLLP will endeavour to keep your personal information accurate. If you require access to personal information we hold on you, wish to amend an inaccuracy, or have your information deleted from our files then please contact the Data Controller at info(at) We will act upon your request as soon as possible.
In the event that this policy is changed at any time, the date and nature of the change will be clearly indicated in this document. In the event that the change has a material impact on the handling of your personal information, we will contact you to seek your positive consent.
Should you have any questions about this privacy policy document or about the ways in which the Lifelong Learning Platform processes personal data, please feel free to write to info(at)
Privacy Policy