In the European landscape, it is all the more a necessity to be present in the many networks and gatherings to steer the debate on education and training.
As a consequence, the Lifelong Learning Platform represents its membership and pursues its goals in a variety of other networks and platforms.
Over the years, these activities have included advisory activity in projects, boards, and initiatives, as well as formal membership and representation in other networks and structures. We strive to convey our core values in all the activities we carry out, and we do so in the most transpare

WYRED is an Horizon2020 project that involves European NGO (and our members Youth for Exchange and Understanding). It addresses social change strengthening the voice of young people through digital spaces. LLLP is in the advisory board of the project and drives its implementation.

SDG Watch Europe
SDG Watch Europe is an EU-level, cross-sectoral CSO alliance of NGOs from development, environment, social, human rights and other sectors. Its goal is to hold governments to account for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs). LLLP is an observer, and it steers the discussion on SDG #4.

ReSET network
The LLLPlatform is member of the ReSET network, an informal gathering of EU “Regions for Skills, Education and Training”. The network is very active in the assessment of regional and local needs with regards to education topics, and organises every year a Project Development Workshop to improve cooperation.

On Our Watch
On Our Watch is a civil society initiative to monitor the activities of the European Parliament since its election in 2014. Initiated by European Movement International, On Our Watch acts as watchdog and in holding the Parliament accountable for what they promised to deliver, benchmarking their claims against what was actually done. LLLP was the main contributor for the education section.