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LLLP Activity Report 2018
LLLP Activity Report 2018
The LLLP Activity Report for 2018 is finally out! With so many negotiations in Europe, 2018 has been a year full of opportunities and challenges for civil society and for the field of education. With many events, policy developments, projects and capacity-building gatherings, 2018 was certainly a year to remember. While we achieved some great results, we will keep on struggling to make education the most relevant policy in our society.
LLLP Annual Conference 2015 – Report
LLLP Annual Conference 2015 – Report
The Annual Conference 2015 took place on 16 June in Luxembourg. Participants tackled the topic “Paving the way to learning and qualifications”, addressing lifelong learning as the true answer to 21st century challenges. This broad topic brought the debate on to transversal skills, gaps between education systems and labour market, and digital skills. This annual conference was also a milestone in celebrating LLLP’s 10th anniversary and renewed name!
Guidebook to EU decision-making in education and training [2020 update]
Guidebook to EU decision-making in education and training [2020 update]
All you need to understand the decision-making process in the European Union on the topic of Education and Training is right here! The EU policy mechanisms sometimes appear technocratic, in the hands of distant institutions, which are asked to manage macroeconomic policies which benefits are not always immediately clear to the general public. Now the LLLPlatform has updated its iconic guidebook to match the significant 2020 developments and to empower educators and learners over Europe to have their say in their future. The Lifelong Learning Platform strongly believes in civil dialogue and in the importance of civil society in contributing to shaping the future of learning in Europe.
Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Societies
Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Societies
The year 2020 has been a year like no other in recent decades. For education and training in Europe it’s also the year of an ambitious agenda for Achieving the European Education Area by 2025. All these developments serve as an important backdrop for reflections on the future of education in Europe and beyond. As Lifelong Learning Platform, we have explored this topic all year round, with members, partners, European decision-makers and education stakeholders, After extensive consultation, we are more certain than ever that that lifelong learning shall be the engine that will lead the world towards a more sustainable future – from the environmental, social and economic perspectives.
LLLP Annual Conference 2017 – Report
LLLP Annual Conference 2017 – Report
The Annual Conference 2017 took place on 31 May and 1 June in Tallinn, Estonia. This year’s topic is “Education in a digital world. Reducing inequalities through lifelong learning”. The challenge of education in a digital world commands us to open education as widely as possible to include all, through flexible pathways and innovative thinking in order to enable all to adapt to yet unknown developments. The two days in Tallinn have brought us vibrant inputs, valuable contributions and have opened our minds on the main topics (and beyond). This is why we are happy to share the report of the conference, including all the interventions from the speakers.
Erasmus+ Implementation Survey 2019 – Results
Erasmus+ Implementation Survey 2019 – Results
Curious to know what beneficiaries of Erasmus+ think of the programme? The LLLPlatform runs an annual review of the Erasmus+ programme implementation and shares its results with policy-makers to enhance the application process and the content of the programme. This survey is conducted by the LLLPlatform to evaluate how EU networks have experienced the past round of applications of the Erasmus+ programme: results are mostly in line with the major issues of the programme, and there is room for improvement…
Developing basic skills as key competences, a guide to good practice
Developing basic skills as key competences, a guide to good practice
Carried out by the six founding members of EUCIS-LLL, the former name of the LLLPlatform, this publication is the result of a conference organised with the support of the European Commission and of the European Economic and Social Committee of May 2004. The research examined 60 examples of good practice, identified twenty-five ‘best practice examples’ and analysed their achievements.
Erasmus+ Implementation Survey 2017 (Results)
Erasmus+ Implementation Survey 2017 (Results)
The LLLPlatform runs an annual review of the Erasmus+ programme implementation and shares its results with policy-makers to enhance the application process and the content of the programme. This survey is conducted by the Platform to evaluate how beneficiaries (like you) have experienced the past round of applications of the Erasmus+ programme: what do you think of Erasmus+? Are you satisfied with its new features? What problems did you encounter? What suggestions for improvement would you make? This publication explores the results of the Survey 2017! Spoiler: there is room for improvement…
Accent sur l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie (Focusing on lifelong learning)
Accent sur l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie (Focusing on lifelong learning)
This founding brochure was published by the future members of EUCIS in the frame of the European Commission’s Memorandum on Lifelong Learning of 2001. Based on the identification of good practices, the partners of this project propose key recommendations to public authorities in order to implement coherent LLL strategies. This brochure is only available in French.
ET2020 Shadow Report (and Executive Summary)
ET2020 Shadow Report (and Executive Summary)
The Education and Training Monitor 2020 provides an overview of the performance of education systems in all EU Member States in achieving 6 different benchmarks; while a useful tool, it misses the perspective of the educators and learners themselves. Because of this, the Lifelong Learning Platform conducted a shadow report involving stakeholders from Austria, Ireland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia, with the goal to produce a “reality-check” on the progress towards the ET2020 targets and a snapshot of the situation on the ground through the eyes of learning providers and civil society. It, therefore, seeks to complement or ‘shadow’ the quantitative analysis of the annual Education and Training Monitor by offering more qualitative insights, hence why we use the term ‘shadow report’.
Image by Pavan Trikutam
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