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Guidebook to EU decision-making in education and training 2025
The guidebook is a seasonal publication updated with the new European Parliament and European Commission power dynamics. Who is who in the EU? Where does education and training fit? Where does civil society fit? How can CSOs voice their concerns in the sector? Discover it in the 2025 edition!
LLLWeek 2024 Report
The 14th edition took place on 18-22 November 2024 and held the overarching theme of “21st century challenges for the educator profession: a call for system change” In 2024, LLLPlatform is dedicating its advocacy efforts on the educators considering how since 2019, their situation, in fact, worsened.
Activity Report 2023
In 2023 the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) focused on “Key competences for all: a lifelong learning approach” as the annual theme, as well as engaging with different stakeholders through advocacy work, events and strengthening partnerships with members. Take a look at what happened in 2023 and get to know our work!
European Lifelong Learning Stakeholders’ Forum Report
On 27 November 2023, education and training stakeholders at EU level were reunited by the Lifelong Learning Platform with the support of the Directorate General for Education, Youth, Culture and Sport for the annual European Lifelong Learning Stakeholders Forum. After five years in which the European Education Summit replaced the traditional format of the Forum, this year’s edition saw the support of the European Commission as well as the inclusion of the outcomes of the Forum in the Summit discussions.
LLLWeek 2023 – Report
The LLLWeek 2023 was dedicated to LLLP’s theme of the year: “Key Competences for All: a Lifelong Learning Approach”: addressing a topic that is strictly linked to the European Year of Skills offered LLLP members the opportunity to re-formulate some of Europe’s most pressing issues. The 13th edition of the LLLWeek took place from 27 November to 1 December, under the patronage of MEP Dragoş Pîslaru, Chair of the EMPL Committee and a champion of lifelong learning!
Input Paper: Continuing the European Education Area
In the context of the interim evaluation of the European Education Area, the European Commission launched an Open Public Consultation (OPC). This Statement provides the civil society perspective on the EEA, being an annex to LLLPlatform’s response to the OPC.
LLLP Position Paper 2023 – Key competences for all: a lifelong learning approach to skills
In this position paper, the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) investigates the importance of key competences development which learners need to adapt to any future societal challenge. The main elements refer to the need for a whole-of-government approach that also includes all education and training stakeholders in the decision making and implementation processes of policies, but also to acknowledging the diversity of learning providers and the competences that learners require to be active participants in their learning journey.
Lifelong Learning Lab 2023 Report
In its third edition, the LLLAB was organised in Girona, anticipating the Spanish Presidency to the Council of the EU and was hosted by the Municipality and University of Girona. This year the LLLAB revolved around the topic of “Key competences for the future of Europe” under LLLP’s Annual Theme “Key competences for all: a lifelong learning approach to skills” within the European Year of Skills. Read the full report here.

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