LLLP, together with its member the Cités des métiers International Network, is running a short survey to better understand the needs and practices regarding the management of multi-stakeholder cooperation and partnerships in the field of career guidance.
The survey is addressed to practitioners in the field of lifelong career guidance (including policy-makers and civil servants) who have experience in the cooperation and partnerships with multiple stakeholders.
The survey takes around 15 minutes to complete.
Answer the survey here before the 30 of June 2021.
The answers will contribute to a mapping of practices in lifelong career guidance, the design of a training programme for multi-stakeholder partnership managers, as well as to guidelines on how to setup and maintain the cooperation.
Thanks in advance for your contribution.
The Lifelong Learning Platform is a partner in the Erasmus+ project “Keep In Pact” coordinated by its member the Cités des métiers International Network (RICDM). The “Keep Innovation in multi-partnership cooperation in lifelong guidance services” project is led by RICDM and gather 5 partner organisations : Universcience-Cité des métiers de Paris (FR), Learning digital (IT), Municipality of Porto-Cité des métiers (PT), the Agency for Science and Higher Education (Croatia) and the Lifelong Learning Platform (BE).