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Image by Pavan Trikutam


Strategies for Achieving Equity and Inclusion in Education, Training and Learning in Democratic Europe (STRIDE)

STRIDE will provide a new, comprehensive and comparative knowledge-base on effective education reforms, policy initiatives and interventions aimed at reducing inequalities in education, training and learning outcomes in Europe.

STRIDE will do this through analyses of education reforms in national and regional systems, existing large-scale educational assessment data and existing longitudinal data on the causal link between educational and other social policies and inequalities in educational achievements.

STRIDE will closely examine the range of intersectional variables such as socio-economic background, gender, (dis)abilities, migration status, home language, early childhood education and care (ECEC) attendance, which may affect learning outcomes in different ways in different contexts.

Through the involvement of national and European stakeholders, STRIDE will develop methodology and assessment tools for policy learning offering policymakers a toolbox of enhanced knowledge of what shapes educational outcomes over time and demonstrating the usefulness of longitudinal data in policy-making to reduce educational inequalities in the short, medium and long term.


Overall objectives: To map longitudinal data and assess inequalities in education, training, and learning outcomes over time and identify reforms and interventions that compensate for those inequalities and formulate recommendations and a guide to good practices.

STRIDE will do this through 8 specific objectives and 6 work packages (WP2 - WP7, WP1 is reserved for project management):

Specific objective 1: Deliver an overview of significant national and regional education reforms aimed at rectifying inequalities in education and learning outcomes and to promote equity and inclusion over the past 25 years in Europe. This will be done through a comparative and historical policy analysis at European and national levels (WP2). 

Specific objective 2: Map the trends of inequalities in educational achievement of students over the past two decades in Europe. This will done through mapping and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies and evaluations following the key educational reforms (WP2), supplemented by a re-analysis of large-scale educational assessment studies, using quasi-panel analytic techniques to study data from International Large Scale Assessment studies (ILSAs) (WP3).

Specific objective 3: Develop an interactive map depicting the significant factors in policy development and student achievement that foster or hamper equity, inclusion and resilience in education, training and educational achievements over time (WP4).

Specific objective 4: Deliver new knowledge on how other social policies (employment, family, child welfare, etc.) may affect the learning outcomes of education policy initiatives through qualitative studies into policymaking in five countries (Denmark, Hungary, Norway, Poland and the United Kingdom as these countries have existing appropriate longitudinal data to be analysed by STRIDE (WP5).

Specific objective 5: Identify new perspectives on how pupils progress in education systems. STRIDE will demonstrate that the knowledge drawn from longitudinal studies can provide a valuable input into effective policy initiatives and interventions that compensate for inequalities in learning outcomes over time in five European countries (Denmark, Hungary, Norway, Poland, and the United Kingdom) (WP5).

Specific objective 6: Develop a policy database with links between cross-sectoral policy making and the intersectional factors that affect intergenerational reproduction of inequalities in educational achievement (WP5).

Specific objective 7: Implement a comprehensive impact and dissemination strategy in order to enhance public knowledge on the value of longitudinal data in policy making and its usefulness for policy learning at national and EU levels, and factors that can reduce inequalities in education (WP7).

Specific objective 8: Explore and develop a toolbox of techniques for facilitating cross-sectoral policymaking and assessment of inequalities in education, training and learning achievements over time using longitudinal data on learning (WP6-7).

Partner institutions

Oslo Metropolitan University (OSLOMET), Norway (NO)

Roehampton University (RU), United Kingdom (UK)

TÁRKI Social Research Institute (TÁRKI), Hungary (HU)

Jagiellonian University (JU), Poland (PL)


Project managers: Lihong Huang, Dawn Heskestad (OSLOMET)

Project period: 01/02/2024 - 31/01/2027

Financing: EU Horizon Europe


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