The EU-funded project COMANITY has been running since 2017 helping to improve the skills of youth workers to reach disadvantaged youth in local communities. LLLP is in charge of the organisation of its final conference where a policy round table will bring together the views of the different European institutions with the presence of MEP Kostas Arvanitis and Head of Unit at DG EAC, Florencia Van Houdt, along with civil society and other European stakeholders.
One out of every six young Europeans are neither employed nor following formal education and training, youngsters with migrant background are more likely to struggle in attaining in our educational systems and those young people not involved in civic participation are often too difficult to reach by youth services. COMANITY stands on the side of youth workers to tackle all these challenges by developing the role of the Community Animateur and providing them with materials and assistance to enhance their emotional intelligence, digital and specific community competences.
During the conference, participants will learn which efforts are being done by very different stakeholders to empower youth and will hear examples of successful stories on this matter. Youth workers will share their stories, a band from Greece will delight us with live music in the reception after the conference and the open agenda format will make the event as unique and participatory as it can get.
How are the youth workers of the future? What skills do they need to address the challenges they will face? Join us on 13 November at Mundo-B (Rue d’Edimbourg 26, Ixelles, 1050) and have your say, help shaping the next generation of Community Animateurs!
Find here the agenda, and much more in the conference website!