On 24 May, the European Commission published its European Semester Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) and Country Reports (CRs), known as the ‘Spring Package’.
LLLP reacts to the prioritisation of labour market-focused skills development at the expense of the broader lifelong learning process. Considering that in 2023, the EU fiscal framework and the European Semester are subjected to reform, LLLPlatform proposes a set of actions to address the shortcomings identified in our Reaction.
LLLPlatform urges for the flexibilisation of rules to exclude investment in essential public services, such as education and training, from the calculation of debts and deficits. Without encouragement into long-term reforming of the lifelong learning system, Member States cannot dedicate adequate resources to create a path for proactive reforming rather than reactive crisis management.
LLLPlatform calls for a Semester that better collects data on Member States, with the involvement of civil society as is defined by the process’ regulations. Without meaningful data, collected from all stakeholders and all participants in the learning system, no reform will be tailored to learners’ contextual needs.
LLLPlatform demands that the European Commission develops a specific chapter on lifelong learning in the Spring Package and in the CRs, with concrete indicators for its different sectors to be developed in coordination with the relevant stakeholders, in order to propose CSRs that encompass a reform of the whole lifelong learning system, and not only isolated parts in the journey of the learner.