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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Lifelong Learning Platform’s iterative study on cross-sector collaboration in education and training - a new edition in 2025!

Every seven years the Lifelong Learning Platform publishes a Feasibility Study on National Lifelong Learning Platforms. This has been first launched in 2011, followed up by a second edition in 2018, and a third one in 2025.

What is a national lifelong learning platform? The mission of the Lifelong Learning Platform at EU level is to act as a network that facilitates cross-sectoral cooperation in education and training to promote a holistic vision of lifelong learning. The proxy term used in this research for a similar institutionalised cross-sectoral collaboration in education and training is a National/Regional Lifelong Learning Platform. However, our study provides this as only one possible avenue, being aware of the particular national and regional contexts across the EU.

Why do we assess their feasibility of such an institutionalised process of collaboration? The premise of the LLLPlatform at EU level is that to ensure policy coherence in education and training, one must assess each level (from early childhood education and care to adult education) and format (formal, non-formal and informal) of learning, conceive of initiatives that place the learner at the centre and provide a multitude of learning pathways. To achieve this, LLLPlatform reunites over 40 EU networks in education and training which cover this entire spectrum of learning, launching cross-sectoral opportunities for advocacy, collaboration, policy implementation and exchanges of experiences. The richness of looking holistically at the learners’ journey can only improve the policy responses provided to ensure that learners access the needed competences to be active participants in society.

The model of the LLLPlatform at EU level is quite unique and does not have to be replicated at national or regional level. Nevertheless, there is a need for an institutionalised collaboration of stakeholders across all sectors and formats of education and training at national and regional level as well considering the current challenges and the horizontal nature of the lifelong learning process. To this end, our Feasibility Study on National Lifelong Learning Platforms provides a research into:

  • Education and training stakeholders’ understanding of lifelong learning

  • Education and training stakeholders’ understanding of EU policies and programmes

  • the state of collaboration among education and training stakeholders within one country

  • the state of collaboration of education and training stakeholders with public authorities in one country

  • the perception of education and training stakeholders for the creation of an institutionalised process for collaboration on lifelong learning.

The 3rd edition, published in February 2025, focused on Hungary, Finland, Poland, Spain and Slovenia. The study contained a survey which was translated into the national languages and disseminated across education and training stakeholders. This resulted in over 150 institutional respondents across the five countries, covering all sectors of education and training. Below you can access our study and explore the state-of-play in the mentioned countries as well as understand more of which cross-models of collaboration are suitable for each country.


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