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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Lifelong Learning Labs 2025 - A true training for civil society organisations

The Lifelong Learning Labs 2025 are over! This year, LLLP revamped its training event for civil society organisation to unfold online, in four different webinars aiming to empower education stakeholders to influence EU decision-making processes in education and training.

Almost 200 individual participants registered for the different webinars, a testimony of the interest that civil society actors carry for advocacy activities. Guests from civil society, from the European Commission and from Permanent Representations of EU Member States helped shape a successful event.

In the first iteration of the LLLAB, LLLP presented its updated Guidebook to European decision-making in Education and Training, a seasonal publication updated with the new European Parliament and European Commission power dynamics. In the second episode, we explored the labyrinth of the EU Budget and related Multiannual Financial Framework. In the third iteration, we shifted towards the national level, assessing how advocacy on funding at national level can have implications at EU level and especially in the European Semester process. In the last episode, colleagues from the past Presidency (Spain, Sweden, Slovenia) were invited to provide their experience on running the Presidency and engaging stakeholders, considering lessons learned and hopes for future Presidencies.

This was the most participated edition of the Lifelong Learning Lab, thanks to its flexible format and to a committed, engaged public!


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