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Image by Pavan Trikutam


The first 2017 meeting of the LLL Interest Group was held on 21 March in the European Parliament. The discussion on “Principles of Inclusiveness for Improved and Modernised Education” was based on the Maltese Presidency Council conclusions presented by Mr. Micaleff Grimaud (PermRep) and the European Commissions’ Communication on “Improving and Modernising Education” presented by Fiorella Perotto, DG EAC.

Discussants highlighted the importance of more EU Member State commitmentand better cooperation with civil society organisations, namely regarding the value and cost-efficiency of the non-formal and informal learning opportunities. In this sentence, the LLLPlatform supports the Council Conclusions according to which “ensuring inclusive high quality education should be seen as a lifelong perspective covering all aspects of education, and including the school community and the community at large.”

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