The LEAD! – specific LEArning Disorders no more! project focuses on the learning difficulties of a small (but significant) group of students attending European schools of all levels.
LEAD! is funded by the Erasmus+ programme and sees the participation of: ENFOR – Ente di Formazione e Ricerca di Policoro (Matera), Italy; Universidad de Valladolid, Spain; Inspectoratul scolar judetean Iasi, Romania; Lifelong Learning Platform, Brussels, Belgium; Istituto Comprensivo n.2 Giovanni Paolo II di Policoro, Italy.
The acronym SLD (Specific Learning Disorders) defines a diagnostic category, related to Specific Developmental Learning Disorders belonging to Neurodevelopment Disorders, which concerns the following disorders of school skills: Dyslexia, Dysorthography, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia.
LEAD! is an innovative project that aims to increase the social inclusion of students with SLD by encouraging them to acquire new skills to improve their school performance.
The innovative aspect of the project consists in developing a learning path completed by a platform (developed from scratch, during the project) able to offer both offline and online learning paths (mixed learning) on compensatory tools for 9- to 14-year-old children with an SLD (Specific Learning Disorders) diagnosis.
LEAD! supports inclusive education and intends to combat early school leaving through:
1) the development of training modules on compensatory tools and their use;
2) the creation of the platform hosting the training modules, a help desk and a community for families, schools and SLD pupils.
The topics discussed in the training modules and training path are the following:
Hardware and its basic functions;
The functions of the operating systems;
Software for the specific use of the components;
Use of compensatory software;
Use of calculation facilitators;
Use of collaborative and laboratory learning and calculation tools.
Due to COVID, the project has so far only seen one face-to-face meeting (in Matera, January 2020); only online meetings have been carried out since then. This was an optimal solution to be able to proceed with the activities without ever suspending them completely.
The next meeting will take place in Spring 2021.