The KEEP IN PACT project involved 6 partners from 5 EU countries (France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Croatia). It kicked off in Paris (France) on the 23rd and 24th of September 2019. The project aimed at promoting upskilling in the field of lifelong career guidance services, as well as at developing an innovative ecosystem approach to the management of professionals working together in partnership.
In recent years, regional, national and European policies have stressed the crucial need to increase cooperation and synergy research in order to deliver better services in lifelong guidance. To do so, the Cités des métiers International Network launched a new project in strategic partnerships about the development of “multi-partnership management” in Cités des métiers and other lifelong career guidance centres.
Indeed, we need to go further than the traditional fields, as public needs are evolving, and the lifelong career guidance approach is not addressed enough. The project is a continuation of the European project COCADE “DEveloping CAreer COunselling services in integrated spaces”, during which good practices within lifelong guidance services were shared.
The objectives of the project are:
To promote upskilling in the field of lifelong career guidance services;
To develop an innovative ecosystem approach to the management of professionals working together in partnership.
As a result, this would lead to better services adapted to the needs/expectations of clients and to an increase of digital tools in lifelong career guidance services while building up new partnership cooperation between actors coming from different fields: education, training, employment, entrepreneurship, etc. It is a good way to avoid silos and ensure consistency in stakeholders’ initiatives in particular with public policies.
Partners of the project want to achieve these objectives through innovative tools and contents, such as, among others: learning materials, virtual reality, a repository of skills for the non-formal competences validation process of the partnership management function.
Lifelong career guidance centres are understood as onsite or online space providing information and counselling to citizens about their career life. It involves stakeholders working in different fields such as education, training, employment, entrepreneurship, social care, etc.
Partner organisations identified lifelong career guidance centres in Europe such as one-stop shops or integrated spaces such as Cités des métiers, which were includes the in an interactive map, as a European community of practitioners.
The project was structured around 4 intellectual outputs, 2 training and learning activities and 2 dissemination events.
Intellectual outputs focus on:
IO1 Analysis regarding stakeholders cooperation in lifelong learning guidance.
IO2 Toolkit for mutual learning and training activities
IO3 Non formal validation of skills
IO4 Building up an European Community of Practitioners
Lifelong career guidance: To provide information and advice to people wishing to build up their career path by themselves at different times of their lives, helping them be aware of and learn how to use their skills and abilities to access or change jobs.