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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Job Bridge

LLLP is a partner in the two-year Erasmus+ KA2 project “Job Bridge” (2018-2020), involving eight partners from seven EU countries (Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Spain). The project kicked off in Paris, France on February 12-13th 2019. It aims to improve the recognition and the validation of volunteers’ experiences and competences in a way that it could also be valued towards employers. It addresses labour market needs for workers with certified transversal skills as well as the needs of educational providers dealing with volunteers (adult education centers and voluntary-based organisations) to assess their volunteers’ competences and to support their learning paths.

There is still a lack of feasible and easy-to-use instruments for validating informal learning in volunteering. Job Bridge will develop a fully-fledged user-centred approach for validating non-formal and informal learning processes in volunteering activities, including well-proven and web-based documentation, both for learners and those supervising them (the “facilitators”).

Job Bridge will bridge informal, non-formal and formal learning by integrating social, personal and organisational competences in a system, which can be linked to existing validation and certification instruments such as EQF, ECVET, ECTS and/or EUROPASS. It will enable volunteering organisations to assess and evidence the competence development of their volunteers, according to a tailor-made reference system.

Our Objectives

  • Better understanding of the skills acquired in volunteering activities by collecting examples of tools and competence frameworks in use in the different partner countries

  • Identify life skills developed in volunteering and how they can be connected to existing frameworks (literature review)

  • Develop a competence matrix that is adapted to a volunteering context

  • Develop and test a user-friendly tool for facilitators to assess the competences of their volunteers, build a learning plan and deliver a certificate at the end of the process

  • Raise awareness of employers about the skills developed as part of voluntary activities


Coordinator: BUPNET, which an adult education provider based in Germany.

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