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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Inspiring practices #01: access and participation in learning processes

The Compendium of inspiring practices aims at providing NGOs and CSOs, adult educators and staff working in the Education and Training Sectors with inspiration to become internally consistent with the values of inclusion promoted and to ensure inclusiveness in education policies and practices.

It is evidence for dozens of existing practices among LLLP’s network which focus on themes related to access and participation, diversity and inclusion strategies and digital transition and blended work methods.

Regarding access and participation, the practices gathered inspire organisations to create more accessible and participatory learning processes.

Join us in discovering some of these practices:

Everyone has the right to be accepted as they are regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. School bullying based on any of these factors constitutes a violation of the human right to education

This 24-page publication on Inclusive Education highlights the fact that homophobic and transphobic bullying not only impacts individuals while in formal education but can also have longer-term impacts on an individual’s career chances, both through recruitment and in the workplace.

These guidelines target school stakeholders, so they can better foster inclusive educational environments that are free from bullying, harassment and discrimination, including a list of valuable resources for working on LGBTQIA+ inclusion in education.

Read and download the full document here.

This project has been created to support to the Scottish Higher Education and Further Education sector. The project aims to support all stakeholders, colleagues and students, by providing Scottish FE and HE-focused guidance on how to embed race equality in curricula. 

The project focuses on the creation and dissemination of a Guide, which includes 16 resources which range from briefings and overviews, provocation pieces with self-reflection, short films and visual sketches, outlines for workshops, and templates for planning to offer varying ways for colleagues to engage. 

Find the full Guide here.

EuroHealthNet is a European non-profit partnership of public authorities working on fostering health, equity and wellbeing across Europe, which believes all people from diverse backgrounds should enjoy the same rights, opportunities and protections. 

Besides EuroHealthNet’s ‘How We Work Framework’ and ‘Employment Rules’, the ‘Workplace Gender Equality and Diversity (GED) Policy’ outlines how EuroHealthNet promotes equality and diversity within the organisation and the more comprehensive partnership, showcasing hiring practices, work environment, events, and communications, as well as the activities of its research, policy, and practice platforms. 

Get inspired by the document here.

Find these and more practices in the Compendium of inspiring practices, available free of charge for download below:


To learn more about access and participation in learning processes, attend the next online training course in September, facilitated by the Learning for Well-being Foundation

The online course will be held in three days - September 9, 16 and 23 with a 'learning lunch' from 12:00 - 14:00 CEST (6 hours in total).

Don’t miss it, registrations and more information are available here!


Deliverable produced by LLLP, in collaboration with the iBOX partners.

Project Number: 101090952 – Inclusion Box (iBox)


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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