LLLP has just published the policy recommendations to support school leaders, teachers – both serving and in their student years – to develop and implement inclusive education practices to create an inclusive educational context and see that in your classroom no one is left behind.
The INSCOOL II project involved partners working in Hungary, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom. The project aimed to significantly increase the knowledge and skills of school leaders, teachers and teacher trainees/pre-service teachers to work inclusively with the increasing range of diverse learners in their schools. The project scaled up the good practice established with the Inclusive Schools project.
The documents listed below address what can be done at a regional, national, European level to integrate and move forward the whole school approach for inclusive schools.
Recommendations from advocacy groups: The advocacy groups were formed in Poland, Italy, Hungary, Netherlands, Spain and the UK to support the achievement of policy change at different levels, from schools to the EU level. Participants got a better knowledge of the project’s outcomes and discussed the further use of the tools and training. implemented after the project ends. An important point of reflection was how the project results could support them in their own local advocacy for inclusive schools. Partners involved several stakeholders such as school leaders, teachers, parents and teacher trainees as well as representatives from other stakeholder groups including project managers working on inclusion, non-teaching staff, teaching training institutions and foster homes. The advocacy groups also included representatives from public bodies and private entities. The different backgrounds and places of origin of participants ensured a diversity of perspectives and experiences.
Policy Recommendations: The policy recommendations bring together the current policy context around inclusion in education, the results of the advocacy groups, the inputs from the Final Conference and previous projects focused on inclusion in relation to teachers, teacher trainees and school leaders. This document is focused on recommendations for EU institutions to work together with Member States in different areas: i) professional development, training offer, ii) staff shortages and wellbeing, iii) systemic cooperation and whole-school approach and iv) public funding for education.
Online publication – good practice summary: This publication consists of a short description of the project and its methodology, explaining how the consortium worked on different activities including the work around advocacy and policy recommendations. The document is based on the advocacy groups reports, the final conference in Brussels, as well as the need assessment report’s conclusions.