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Image by Pavan Trikutam


LLLP is a partner in the two-year Erasmus+ KA3 Social Inclusion project “INSCOOL II”, aiming at significantly increase the knowledge and skills of school leaders, teachers and student teachers to work inclusively with the increasing range of diverse learners in their schools. The project will scale up the good practice established in the methodology of the Inclusive Schools I project.

  • To promote change in school culture to enable people to live, work and learn together equitably and peacefully, without fear of discrimination or bullying;

  • To deepen educators’ knowledge and understanding of inclusive education policy, practice and culture;

  • To influence policy change at school, local, regional and national levels;

  • To contribute, through promoting a sense of belonging and the common values of respect, freedom, democracy and equality, to the decrease of radicalisation.

  • National focus groups with school leaders, teachers and student teachers in relation to inclusive education and inclusive pedagogies;

  • An international trainers’ event to allow participants to familiarise with the materials of the project and tailor them for their contexts;

  • Face-to-face courses for school leaders and teachers focused on changing culture and school practices, supporting the introduction of inclusive policies;

  • Piloting training courses for student/newly qualified teachers to collect feedback on the training courses developed.

  • Face-to-face course material for the professional development in inclusive education of school leaders.

  • Face-to-face course material for teachers to provide them with knowledge and tools to build a more inclusive school community.

  • A Mass Open Online Course (MOOC) for students and newly qualified teachers.

  • An international pool of 12 trainers, who will act as multipliers, equipped to deliver CPD courses to school leaders and teachers;

  • 130 school leaders with the knowledge and confidence to lead the implementation of inclusive education in their school;

  • 120 teachers with the knowledge and confidence to embed inclusive pedagogies in their classrooms;

  • Indirect engagement of 10,000 learners, through changes to policy and practice in their schools;

  • 12 school leaders and teachers able to act as role models for their peers, and to influence policy makers both locally and nationally.


Project Results

The advocacy groups were formed by partners in the first half of 2022 in all participating countries (Poland, Italy, Hungary, Netherlands, Spain and the UK) in the project to support the achievement of policy change at different levels, from schools to the EU level. 

Participants got a better knowledge of the project’s outcomes and discussed the further use of the tools and trainings implemented after the project ends. An important point of reflection was how the project results could support them in their own local advocacy for inclusive schools. Partners involved several stakeholders such as individuals taking part in the project activities such as school leaders, teachers, parents and teacher trainees or as well as representatives from other stakeholder groups in line with a whole-school approach such as project managers working on inclusion, non-teaching staff (i.e. psychologists), teaching training institutions and foster homes.

The advocacy groups also included representatives from public bodies and private entities. The different backgrounds and places of origin of participants ensured a diversity of perspectives and experiences.

The policy recommendations bring together the current policy context around inclusion in education, the results of the advocacy groups, the inputs from the Final Conference and previous projects focused on inclusion in relation to teachers, teacher trainees and school leaders. This document is focused on recommendations for EU institutions to work together with Member States in different areas: i) professional development, training offer, ii) shortages and wellbeing, iii) systemic cooperation and whole-school approach and iv) public funding to education.


This publication consists of a short description of the project, explaining how the consortium worked on collecting the policy recommendations – including the methodology applied and a summary of all the recommendations collected. The document is based on the advocacy groups reports, as well as the need assessment report’s conclusions.

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