LLLP is a partner in the two-year Erasmus+ KA3 Social Inclusion project “INSCOOL” for “Inclusive schools” (2019-2021), involving seven partners from five EU countries (Greece, United Kingdom, Poland, Belgium and Spain). The project kicked off in London, UK on February 18-20th 2019.
It aims to embed inclusive education principles in schools management in Europe by favouring the emergence of a community of leaders standing for inclusion, consisting of heads of schools, teachers and students.
Inclusive Schools reached school communities (school leaders, teachers, professors, students, parents, school advisors, school psychologists), policy-makers and public authorities staff (ministries, local authorities), institutions and organisations of educational focus on a local and European level.
Schools everywhere deal with ways to embrace diversity as society itself is becoming more diverse every day. The vision of the Inclusive Schools project is to gradually reshape school culture into an inclusive school ethos by fostering long-term inclusion strategies in schools around Europe and engaging school communities in concrete action plans and collaborations that promote equality and value diversity.
More specifically key project activities include:
Developing tools for Screening Diversity and Strategy development
Creating educational manuals, training trainers at local and international level
Setting up an Inclusive Schools certification scheme
Delivering social inclusion workshops in 61 schools in Europe.
It also included an innovative communication and raising awareness campaign reaching school communities around Europe and a detailed plan to open dialogue channels between the school community and policy-makers on the issue of inclusion in schools.
The Inclusive Schools team has worked on a set of tools to facilitate the inclusion process of the school community and give incentives to school staff and students to adopt the methodology and adapt accordingly.
Some of the developed tools are:
Coordinator: British Council (Greece)
Partners: Lifelong Learning Platform (EU / Belgium), Obessu – organizing bureau of European school student unions (EU / Belgium), Scotdec – Scottish Development Education Centre (United Kingdom), Asamblea de cooperacion por la paz (Spain), Stowarzyszenie Ekspedycja w glab kultury (Poland), Institouto Ekpedeftikis Politikis (Greece)