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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Inclusion and Diversity Charter

The Inclusion and Diversity Charter encourages organisations in the education and training sectors to expand their knowledge about diversity and inclusion, making their organisations a safer space for all and promoting positive change towards respect and dignity.

To achieve this, three fundamental actions must be undertaken: understanding, collaborating, and integrating. Actions which are clearly interrelated and indispensable to each other. The Inclusion and Diversity Charter presents a set of steps for each of these actions.

Three squares with arrows between them, indicating the first step as "Understanding Diversity and Inclusion", second as "Collaboration towards diversity and inclusion" and third as "Integrating inclusion and diversity".

Let's see some of these steps:

Understanding Diversity and Inclusion

The first step is to understand the concepts of diversity and inclusion. Acknowledging differences, and expanding your knowledge of different cultures, is essential to appreciate and respect the backgrounds, behaviours and viewpoints of others. It's important to recognise the barriers and needs of each person, take steps to identify concrete ways to support them and enable a safe space.

Collaboration towards diversity and inclusion

To collaborate, one needs to actively engage with communities and stakeholders, involving them in discussions and in the development and implementation of strategies. By participating, collaborating and supporting existing initiatives and projects, the ultimate goal is to ensure participatory strategies.

Integrating inclusion and diversity

Create clear, detailed policies that outline the organisation's values and principles, and continually review and update these policies to ensure its inclusiveness. There are key steps to keep in mind: ensure the language is appropriate; resources, materials, spaces and technologies are accessible to everyone; implement inclusive recruitment practices to attract and form a diverse workforce and also mentoring strategies tailored to individual needs.

These are just a few of the steps to support you and/or your organisation. This Charter aims at being a guiding framework in Education and Training sectors to be reflected on and adapted to different settings and organisations.

Interested in knowing more? Just click below to download the full document!

Inclusion and Diversity Charter
Download PDF • 1.09MB


In the official iBOX self-paced course, you can find this and other important resources to support you in this journey towards more inclusive organisations or to improve your practice as an individual. Register and enjoy the materials, by following the link:


Deliverable produced by eucen, in collaboration with the iBOX partners

Project Number: 101090952 – Inclusion Box (iBox)


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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