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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Highlights of the LLLAB 2023: Key competences for the future of Europe

In its third edition, the Lifelong Learning Lab (LLLAB) is the Lifelong Learning Platform’s initiative to bring together stakeholders in education and training from EU and national/regional level to share good practices on enhancing cooperation in the sector. Participants to the LLLAB counted policymakers from EU, national, regional and local level, educators and teachers, learners, education and training institutions (schools, universities, VET centres) and civil society organisations.


In 2023, the LLLAB was organised in Girona, anticipating the Spanish Presidency to the Council of the EU and was hosted by the Municipality and University of Girona. This year the LLLAB revolved around the topic of “Key competences for the future of Europe” under LLLP’s Annual Theme Key competences for all: a lifelong learning approach to skills” within the European Year of Skills.


The LLLAB occurred over two days, connecting European issues with national issues, supporting EU citizens’ capacity to engage in policymaking, breaking silos within education and training institutions, and building blocks for the development of national lifelong learning platforms.

Day 1: European agenda and decision-making processes in education and training

Before exploring links between the EU and the national context, participants were welcomed at the premises of the Girona Municipal Employment Office for a Study Visit. The first day connected large scale EU initiatives to the context in Spain through plenary sessions that included the interventions of Dr. Josep Calbó, Vice-Rector for Strategic Projects and Internationalisation, University of Girona, Stefan Olsson, Deputy Director-General at European Commission’s DG EMPL, an introduction to stakeholders involvement in the European Education Area midterm review, an exchange of views between policy makers and CSOs, a keynote speech by The Good Lobby. 

Also participants were able to exchange practices through the labs -workshops- which looked at different topics related to education and training at EU level.  The labs were the space where participants discussed challenges faced in the field and co-created solutions.

Day 2: Achieving the Spanish lifelong learning agenda

The second day started with a Keynote Address delivered by LLLP’s Project and Policy Manager, Pauline Boivin, who spearheads the work on national lifelong learning strategies. It also included an exchange of views between policy makers and Civil Society Organisations focused on the Spanish agenda in education and training and the role of education stakeholders and civil society. 

The second day followed the same model in terms of the implementation of labs – workshops – though they were focused now on the national level, as opposed to the European level. After a rich 60-minute discussion, participants gathered back in plenary to share the outcomes. 

From Girona to Europe

Giuseppina Tucci, former President of LLLP closed the LLLAB discussing the need to mainstream lifelong learning, promoting the vision that LLLP has been advocating for almost 20 years. A true change can only be achieved with meaningful participation from  civil society. Giuseppina insisted that any participation from civil society requires adequate funding for it and a consistent push to make sure that political changes do not weaken the lifelong learning system or policy co-creation.


Review and download the presentations shared during the LLLAB here


Read the full Report of the LLAB here


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