Even before the pandemic, approximately 1 in 4 children were growing up at risk of poverty and social exclusion across the European Union (EU).
On 4 March, the European Commission launched its Communication for the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan. The Action Plan which calls on EU Member States to aim to lift at least 5 million children out of poverty by 2030, will be discussed among EU leaders on 7 and 8 May during the Porto Social Summit.
On 24 March, the European Commission launched its proposal for a Council Recommendation establishing the Child Guarantee, a deliverable of the EPSR Action Plan. The Council Recommendation is expected to be adopted in June 2021 and currently, EU Member States are developing their positions.
The EU Alliance for Investing in Children has been advocating for child poverty reduction and social inclusion since 2014. The upcoming Child Guarantee and the EPSR Action Plan represent important opportunities to ensure that EU Member States prioritise investing in children in the next years.
For this reason, and given that the next two months can determine the future of these policies, the EU Alliance joins forces with the European Parliament and its Intergroup on Children’s Rights to further push the Council of the EU to adopt an ambitious Child Guarantee and to implement and even exceed the targets of the EPSR Action Plan.
The European Parliament – EU Alliance for Investing in Children Manifesto on child poverty is expected to be launched on Tuesday 4 May 2021, prior to the Porto Social Summit.
Read the Manifesto here