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Image by Pavan Trikutam

Diversity and inclusion strategies

The second training sessions of the iBOX programme, which focused on Inclusion and Diversity strategies, took place this week during the afternoons of 28, 29 and 30 May. With a group of 16 participants and facilitated by CÉMEA France, diversity concepts were shared, as well as reflections on inclusion approaches and how to include inclusion and diversity in each workplace or learning environment.

iBOX training sessions are divided into three modules, to facilitate learning and sharing practices: from an introduction to diversity and inclusion, sharing inclusive approaches in order to welcome differences in each practice and organisation.

From the definition of diversity, and its various dimensions, stereotypes and prejudices and mechanisms of exclusion and discrimination, participants learnt about concrete approaches to improve inclusion and diversity, in different personal and professional settings.

Slide showcasing the 'Diversity wheel': wheel representing internal, external and organisation dimensions of diversity. Internal characteristics as age, gender; external as income, religion and organisation as work location or seniority.

When considering diversity, colleagues also discussed stereotypes and prejudices which led to discrimination. A stereotype is a preconceived image, a simplified representation of an individual or a human group, while a prejudice is often linked to our emotions, personal criteria (beliefs, values, education, family, etc.). Debating stereotypes, prejudices and finding practices to address these issues with learners is key, as understanding the origins and dynamics of discrimination is an effective way to combat them within organisations and society.

From diversity to inclusion… 

A good example of inclusion was shared: Scuolemigranti: Italiano per stranieri. A network of voluntary associations providing Italian lessons to people with a migration background, it provides free Italian courses in 102 locations, 73 in Rome and 29 in other areas of Lazio. Scuolemigranti supports adults with language courses (basic course, level A1, A2, B1 and B2), children, teenagers with Italian workshops in schools, after-school programs and study help, educational centres to develop creativity, and parents, by offering the intervention of a cultural mediator for parent-teacher meetings. The network is based on voluntary work, counting with 900 volunteer teachers.

Slide explaining the main key number of Scuolemigranti: network of voluntary associations providing free Italian lessons to people with a migration background

Starting from this practice, and promoting a participatory approach, participants had the opportunity to share their own experiences with inclusive practices in smaller groups and reflect on concrete examples and consequent actions to promote inclusion and take diversity into account in our personal and professional lives. 

Thank you to all the participants and their energy and collaboration! If you are also interested in these topics but could not join, the iBOX partnership will hold a new online training programme later this autumn!


Project Number: 101090952 – Inclusion Box (iBox)


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


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