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Image by Pavan Trikutam


Specific LEArning Disorders no more!

LEAD! project wants to identify and defeat the barriers that students with Specific Learning Disabilities meet at school when they start writing and reading. EUROPE 2020 Strategy wants to reduce ESL to less than 10 % around EUROPE, and, according to EUROSTAT (Disability statistics – access to education and training), 1 out of 4 people in EUROPE who faces basic activity difficulties, leaves the school prematurely. According to EPALE (JULY 2017) there were around 35.67 million students with such disabilities, 13.88 million coming from primary school and 21.700.000 from secondary school.

LEAD! wants to empower and support students (9-14 years old) in developing the right competences about the adaptive technologies and their use thanks to the support of an innovative platform, MY SKILLS. The learning material will be validated according to the European Guidelines Of The Validation Of Non-formal And Informal Learning (CEDEFOP) and, at the end of the learning path, students will have the chance to get the European Adaptive Tool Licence.

The direct target group of the project is represented by students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SLD) with age range 9-14 years old. The indirect target group is instead composed by teachers, headmasters, tutors and trainers and all the school and no school staff dealing with students with Specific Learning Disorders. In pointing out the this target group, families have to be considered as indirect beneficiaries of the project due to the fact that they will exploit project results with their children.

LEAD! wants to promote forefront knowledge regarding the adaptive technologies (and their use) and create the European Adaptive Tool Licence targeting students with SLD (age 9-14). Students with SEN (Specific Educational Needs), which include students with Learning Specific Disorders, indeed have a higher probability to leave school prematurely compared to those students without disabilities (Early School Leaving and Learners with Disabilities and/or Special Educational Needs, European Agency for special needs and inclusive education, 2017).

To reach its objective, LEAD! will develop and adapt to distant learning a training course targeting the adaptive technologies which it will adapted to MY SKILLS platform. At the end of the learning path, students can award the European Adapting Tool Licence which it will support them to acquire the necessary learning competences and, on the other side, it will be the quality label that it will certify to the teachers that the students are able to use the adaptive tools and technologies.


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