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Learning Planet Institute
Launched by the Learning Planet Institute and UNESCO on the 24th of January 2020 on the occasion of the International Day of Education, #LearningPlanet is an open alliance with a cause, dedicated to learning stakeholders and communities. It is a long-term initiative with a mission to gather players from around the world in order to identify, celebrate, enhance and scale up innovative educational solutions towards sustainable futures that ensure the respect, well-being and fulfilment of oneself, the others and the planet. #LearningPlanet defines itself as a middle-ground: it connects institutions with grassroots movements and innovators to scale up their ideas.

The European Movement International
The European Movement International is a lobbying association that coordinates the efforts of associations and national councils with the goal of promoting European integration, and disseminating information about it. The LLLP cooperates with EMI on the “On our Watch” campaign since 2017.

European Social Fund Transnational “Learning & Skills” Thematic Network
European Social Fund Transnational “Learning & Skills” Thematic Network: The ESF is Europe’s main instrument for supporting jobs, helping people get better jobs and ensuring fairer job opportunities for all EU citizens. It works by investing in Europe’s human capital – its workers, its young people and all those seeking a job. ESF financing of EUR 10 billion a year is improving job prospects for millions of Europeans, in particular those who find it difficult to get work. The programme is managed by Member States but to boost cooperation among Member States and enable citizens to learn from experiences and good practices in another country there is “transnational cooperation” component. This latter is organised in Transnational Thematic Networks. LLLP joined the Thematic Network on “Learning and Skills” in 2017.

Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe
Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe: The Council of Europe’s work benefits extensively from contacts and co-operation with the dynamic elements of society, as represented by NGOs. One of the main challenges currently facing the Organisation is to strengthen NGOs and civil society and to develop participatory democracy on a pan-European basis. LLLP obtained the participatory status in 2017.

European Youth Forum
On 18th April 2012, the LLLPlatform and the European Youth Forum, respectively represented by their president Gina Ebner and Peter Matjašič, signed a partnership agreement in the platform’s offices. This new partnership implies that the two organisations will develop their cooperation by supporting each other through exchanging competencies and experiences, sharing their good practices and positions and regularly attend each other’s events and activities. The LLLPlatform and the YFJ had already set up together in 2010 an informal working group on the future programmes for education, training and youth.

The Good Lobby
The Good Lobby offers pro bono law, policy or advocacy services relating to EU public policy. It connects volunteers to NGOs, matching skills and needs of no-profit organisations with its pool of lawyers. Academics, professionals and students join the network of skilled volunteers to help NGOs collaboration towards accomplishing their aim. The LLLP and The Good Lobby agreed on a partnership towards the campaign #Erasmusx10
Civil Society Partners
The LLLPlatform also offers opportunities for capacity-building for its members. It is important to be able to understand European policies and their impact at the national level. This is why the Platform produces regular infonotes, organises brainstorming sessions, etc.
The LLLPlatform is both a member of Civil Society Groups and a partner of European Institutions. It also takes part in thematic alliances.

DG EAC of the European Commission
The LLLPlatform mainly works with the DG EAC of the European Commission, closely following European policies and programmes on education and training. It contributes to the annual Forum on Education, Training and Youth, we are a member of the EQF Advisory Group, a member of the Thematic Working Group on Tranversal Skills and the LLLPlatform meets regurlarly the head of units and directors of the DG EAC.

European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion.
The Platform also follows the work of DG EMPL and its policies linked to the Agenda for new skills and jobs and the Platform against poverty and social exclusion. It is a member of the Stakeholders’ Dialogue group of the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion.

Digital Agenda (DG DIGITAL)

The Culture and Education (CULT) Committee and the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL)

Liaison Group

European Social Fund Transnational Cooperation Network,

EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe)

Intellectual Propery in Education


UNESCO Global Education Coalition.

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
Media Partners

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