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The Lifelong Learning Platform brings together 43 European networks that are working in education or training.

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AEGEE is Europe’s biggest interdisciplinary student organisation, striving for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, that promotes cooperation, communication and integration amongst young people.
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The Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) aims to enhance the quality of teacher education in Europe by supporting the professional development of teachers and teacher educators. Its 300 individual members and 35 institutional members span 40 countries around the world. They work both within and outside higher education. The Association brings its members together in 19 different Research and Development Communities, and at its three annual conferences
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All Digital (previously known as Telecentre Europe) is a leading pan-European association based in Brussels, representing member organisations across Europe that work with 25,000 digital competence centres. They focus to support Europeans that have an insufficient level of digital skills. That means that they’re having less chances to find work, to use online services, to have a better quality of life, to be included in today’s society.
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Cités des Métiers International Network gathers 27 Cités des métiers in 6 differents countries in Europe. Cités des métiers are places managed in partnership by different stakeholder organisations, open to anyone in search of information to build his/her professional future. Its mission is to direct users to all the resources allowing them to formulate and achieve their career aims and to guide and support them in their choices in a single place.
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DARE stands for Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe. The DARE Network consists of 48 member organisations from 26 countries in Europe.
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The European Digital Learning Network – DLEARN – is a non-profit association gathering 31 members all over the EU (Universities, Training centres, Service providers, SMEs, etc.). Its aim is to embrace the challenges brought by the digital transformation in terms of skills mismatch and learning opportunities. Moreover, DLEARN is active in research and advocacy activities as well as in several Erasmus+ projects.
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Diesis Network is one of the widest EU networks specialised in supporting social economy and social enterprise development covering 20 countries through major national federations and national support networks associating more than 80,000 organisations and 1.2 million workers
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EAEA is a European NGO with 120 organisations from 43 countries working in the fields of adult learning. It promotes adult learning and the widening of access and participation in formal, non-formal and informal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented.
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EARLALL aims to reach a high degree of collaboration among its members in the field of the Lifelong Learning policies and establish a close cooperation with the European Union and Public Institutions throughout the world.
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ECNAIS is an association founded in 1988 which aims at supporting and pursuing the values embedded in a democratic approach to pluralism in the national educational systems, and the respect of the parental choice.
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The European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE) consists of 27 national Steiner Waldorf school associations, representing 75 Steiner Waldorf schools across 28 European countries. Its mission is to support genuine Steiner Waldorf education and promote freedom in education in Europe.
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European Educational Exchanges - Youth for Understanding (EEE-YFU) is the umbrella for national YFU organisations in Europe and currently has 27 member organisations. EEE-YFU provides exchange programmes for 15 to 18 year old students in more than 50 countries worldwide.
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effe is an NGO in the field of education, it gathers people from more than 20 countries, from public and private schools and with various teaching method views. It was designed as a forum in which all current issues concerning education at primary and secondary level can be discussed.
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EFIL is the umbrella organisation of 26 organisations running AFS Intercultural Programs in Europe. Through its activities, EFIL promotes opportunities in the field of intercultural learning and active citizenship and facilitates pupil mobility in Europe.
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EMDR Europe is the official professional association of National EMDR Associations, establishing, maintaining and promoting the highest standards of excellence and integrity in EMDR therapy practice, research and education throughout Europe. Today, EMDR Europe counts over 25.000 EMDR clinicians in 31 countries.
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EPA gathers the parents associations in Europe which together represent more than 150 million parents. EPA works in partnership both to represent and give parents a powerful voice in the development of education policies and decisions at European level.
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ESHA is the School Heads Association in Europe and represents 64.000 school leaders in (pre-) primary, secondary and vocational education. ESHA connects school leaders, researchers and policy makers with the collective aim to learn from each other and improve education.
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ESN is one of the biggest non-profit interdisciplinary student associations in Europe, founded in 1989 for supporting and developing student exchange. It brings together 13 500 members from 460 local sections in 42 countries. They offer services to 160 000 students.
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ESU is an umbrella organisation of 45 National Unions of Students in 39 countries. ESU acts in representing, defending and strengthening students’ educational, democratic and political and social rights in Europe.
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EUCEN is the largest European multidisciplinary Association in University Lifelong Learning. It is an international non-governmental non-profit making organisation which gathers 163 members from 36 countries.
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EUNET, the European Network for Education and Training, is a network that brings together NGOs that inform and educate people of all ages about Europe or spread the European idea in any other way. EUNET unites, coordinates and pushes forward the several efforts of its members to encourage European integration and to especially involve Europe´s citizens into and inform them about this process.
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EURASHE is the European Association for the Applied Sciences in Higher Education, connecting educators, policymakers, and professionals in the field from across Europe and beyond. The Association gathers 58 members from 30 different countries, overall representing more than 550 HEIs located in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
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EUROCLIO promotes a responsible and innovative teaching of history based on multi-perspectivity, critical thinking, mutual respect, and the inclusion of controversial issues. It represents a network of 44 member Associations and 15 associated members from 52 countries.
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The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) is the European umbrella association of free and non-profit educational providers. Its objective lies in the qualitative improvement of vocational education and training in European countries and an increase in the efforts being carried out in education at a European level.
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EVTA is a vocational training network which comprises 27 members from 14 European countries, representing thousands of national training centres and, in certain cases, national employment services.
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Founded in 1991, EfVET is a unique European-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training. It consists of 1500 member associations and institutions.
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EucA works to promote the excellence of university halls of residence, to create an international network among university halls of residence, promote cultural exchanges and so to encourage active citizenship among young people. It represents around 30 000 students and 194 halls of residence in 10 countries.
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Eurochild is the leading network of organisations and individuals working WITH and FOR children in Europe. Eurochild aims to bring about positive changes in the lives of children, in particular those affected by poverty and disadvantage. Their network gathers almost 200 members in 41 countries.
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The European University Foundation is a network of 74 Universities aiming at strengthening and accelerating the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. The network has a rich history of promoting policy reform and contributing to the further development of the Erasmus programme.
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FEDE gathers more than 400 private higher education and vocational training establishments in 39 countries mainly in Europe.
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FEDEC is an international network for professional circus education aiming at supporting the development and evolution of training, teaching and creation in the sector.
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FICEMEA aims to federate the action of its member organisations in order to promote active training methods as widely as possible and to contribute to the evolution of educative and social practices all over the world.
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FREREF promotes concrete interregional cooperation in the field of lifelong learning. It has 15 member Regions and 3 member Institutions, and cooperates regularly with some 20 other Regions, as well as with national and European institutions and agencies.
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ICC groups professionals from all areas of language education and intercultural communication promoting excellence in the teaching and learning of languages by defining professional standards and disseminating these standards and practice to the widest possible public. It represents 25 members located in 12 countries worldwide.
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ISCA is an organisation bringing together sport, culture and youth organisations. With more than 191 affiliated organisations and more than 40 million individual members worldwide from 65 countries that share the idea that everyone should be able to participate in international activities.
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The Learning for Well-being Foundation (L4WB-F) promotes Learning for Well-being, forming a community of individuals and organisations gathered around a vision of inclusive and supportive societies where children, young people and adults respect each other as competent partners and help each other realise their unique potential throughout their lives.
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Founded in 1975, OBESSU is a platform for cooperation between national school student unions active in general secondary and secondary vocational education. It brings together 34 national associations in 27 European countries
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The SIRIUS Migration Policy Group linked to SIRIUS is a European think-tank specialised on migration and anti-discrimination. It has extensive comparative knowledge of policies and practices in Europe and traditional destinations, including on integration and anti-discrimination support for migrant children and adults in education, vocational training and lifelong-learning.
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SOLIDAR is a European network of 60 NGOs based in 27 countries working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. SOLIDAR voices the concerns of its member organisations to the EU and international institutions across the policy sectors social affairs, international cooperation and lifelong learning.
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UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union, founded in October 1991, is an association of Universities from the countries of the Mediterranean basin. It currently counts 112 associated Universities coming from 23 countries of both shores of Mediterranean. UNIMED’s aim is to develop university research and education in the Euro-Mediterranean area in order to contribute to scientific, cultural, social and economic cooperation.
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Volonteurope is an international network promoting the values and principles of volunteering, active citizenship and social justice at local, regional, national and European level, both in the Member States of the European Union and the Council of Europe.
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The World Organisation of the Scout Movement‘s main mission is to educate young people. Scouting is present in every European Country and is one of the most important Youth Organisation in Europe in terms of membership of young people but also adult’s volunteers who are supporting the development of scouting activities.
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YEU is an international network present in 25 countries led by and for young people, promoting importance of active citizenship initiatives by using non-formal education (NFE) as a tool in order to provide knowledge, skills and intercultural experience for personal and social development through promotion of peace, understanding and co-operation between the young people of the world, in a spirit of respect for human rights.
Meet our members
Image by Pavan Trikutam
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