Education and Training Forum
Since 2008, the European Commission hosts an annual Stakeholders’ Forum on EU cooperation in education and training. The purpose of the Forums is to gather a broad group of European level stakeholders and social partners to discuss European cooperation in education and training mainly on topics of a transversal nature.
The Forums are organised by the European Commission with the support of the LLLPlatform.The last edition focused on the New Skills Agenda for Europe adopted by the Commission on 10 June 2016, which aims to ensure that people develop a broad set of skills and competences from early on in life in order make the most of Europe’s human capital, as well as to improve employability and competitiveness.
Improving skills levels, educational attainment and promoting key competences, including transversal skills, are essential to improving people’s employability, their chances in life as full citizens and creating fair, inclusive and sustainable societies. The contribution of education, training and youth stakeholders is seen as crucial to turn the Skills Agenda into reality at grassroots level. The Forum also featured discussions and exchanges on upcoming initiatives, in particular the review of the 2006 Recommendation on Key Competences for lifelong learning.